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Co-Founder Blog: DILIGENCE

By: Pat Sullivan (Co-Founder)

March 25, 2019

I am a heart transplant recipient who is currently 6+ years away from my “Miracle Day.” Nov 21, 2022, is the day that will mark the ten year anniversary of my heart transplant.

My transplant journey has been a roller coaster. The transplant itself was fairly routine. But my LVAD journey before it was riddled with difficulties and my post-transplant experience has also been a challenging one.

But I am here! Still alive after my latest complication.

Six months post-transplant, I was doing very poorly. It turned out to be Aspergillosis–a mold infection of my lungs–that very nearly did me in. I remember Helen Boucher, MD (Heart Transplant and VAD Infectious Diseases Program Director at Tufts Medical Center) telling me that transplant recipients can very rapidly have a bronchial infection turn into severe pneumonia due to the immunosuppression (anti-rejection medications) we take. For years she has told me this every time I caught a cold or had a cough. Most times I would simply have my primary care doctor monitor me and prescribe my medications. But, as the years have passed, I have become much more susceptible to infections and, even more so, pneumonia.

This past summer (2018), an infection exploded into a life-threatening event involving a two-month stay in the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (CTU/ICU) at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. To save my life, they had to perform a tracheotomy, intubate me, force me into a coma, and add a feeding tube for me to eat/drink for most of my stay.

I am writing this blog post to let every transplant recipient know that this can happen to you if you are immunosuppressed. It is common for us, after several years post-transplant, to feel like normal people and to not stay diligent in our lives. I urge all of you:

  1. Get flu shots

  2. Get pneumonia shots

  3. Avoid places where the flu is most present (malls, churches, airplanes, schools, concerts, sporting events)

  4. Pay attention to a runny nose or cough or fever

  5. Wash all produce with clinician-approved wash

While our loved ones can fight off a seemingly simple cold, our bodies do not have the same weapons. We cannot fight as well as they do. Keep your distance if a loved one has a cold. Or wear a mask and gloves when tending to them–as they have done so many times for you.

The bottom line: Do NOT let complacency or ‘feeling well’ keep you from performing daily diligence. It can cost you your life!

Pat Sullivan Co-Founding Survivor


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"Pat and Bob were living proof we would survive...that this was all part of our journey. After meeting the HeartBrothers, I remember Nick saying that when all this was over he would be a HeartBrother too. It made me smile because it showed me Nick had not given up hope despite how sick he was...he was thinking about our future."

- Michelle, Caregiver


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